Monday, August 11, 2008

Jackson has been creating some great artwork this week. We did finger painting one day, which said "mess free", well pretty close, but Jackson can find a way to make a mess. He also used some colored icing to glue on different foods; he loved tasting the treats as he worked. Jackson played in the water to wash off the artwork that ended up on him and he showed his sense of humor and mischievous side by walking towards me with a cup filled with water, he smiled really big and gave me that look then dumped the water on my legs. He laughed and laughed, until he was running too fast one time and spilled the water on himself. We've seen lots of creatures this week. We focused on two Daddy Long Leg Spiders and what I think was a millipede. We also saw a giant green beetle of some kind and as always our friendly lizards. Jackson helped decorate his great grandparents, his great great grandparents and many great aunts, uncles, and cousins’ graves for what we call 2nd Sunday. The 2nd Sunday of August is always the time to decorate the graves and have a Callihan family reunion. Jackson loved playing in the sand and he even played football with the teenagers and adults, or at least he thought he was playing. Look at Jackson's photos.

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