Saturday, December 24, 2011

December 2011

Jackson has been busy with Christmas activities this month. He rode the train with santa, went to the Callihan christmas party, had a school christmas program and school christmas party. Jensie has just been playing dress up. We are looking forward to an awesome Christmas! Take a look at the photos.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Jackson & Jensie Nov 2011

Jackson went on his first field trip to a pumpkin patch farm. The kids all had a great time, of course Jensie went along. She loves laughing at Jackson and he loves trying to make her laugh. Jackson went to see his cousin, Lexie, barrel race and decided he wanted to be a bull rider. Thank goodness that only lasted a day. Take a look at some of the photos of the field trip and photos of the rest of the month.