Monday, May 28, 2007

Happy Memorial Day!

Jackson has been up to a lot since we left Georgia. He has his top two teeth in. His favorite thing to do is empty containers, cabinets, laundry baskets, book shelves or whatever of their contents. He still loves to play with any type of ball and curently likes to be pushed around in his little car. Click on photos of Jackson at 10 months old.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Jackson's last week in Georgia

Click on photos to see how Jackson spent his last week in Georgia.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Jackson went to his very first birthday party. His friend, Caden, turned one and Jackson had so much fun with all the kids. Click to see photos of the birthday party. Jackson also went to a baby shower that day, it was a very busy day. Click to see photos.
Click to see photos of Jackson with his Uncle Billy & Aunt Lindsey.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Jackson having fun in Blue Ridge

Click to see photos of Jackson at Grammy's work.

Jackson rode a horse for the first time and he loved it. He spent a few days with Aunt Martha and hung out with Grammy at work one afternoon. Click to see photos of Jackson.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Jackson goes to Statesboro

Jackson had the best time at Lolo and Ama's house. He loved hanging out with Lolo and enjoyed shopping with Ama. Auntie Mad gave him lots of kisses and was the only one who would carry Jackson around long enough for him to take a nap while I got a manicure and pedicure. Jackson got to play with his big cousin, Valor, who refers to him as baby Jack. They were so sweet together and we know Valor will make a great older brother. We were hopeing Olivia would go into labor while we were down, but Atlas had other plans. Congrats to the Aseron & O'Mahoney family on the birth of Atlas born April 26, 2007. Click to see tons of photos from Jackson visit to Statesboro.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Jackson wishes Kailey a Happy 1st Birthday!

Jackson visited with his friend Kailey to wish her a happy birthday. They played very well together and were a lot of fun to watch. Click to see photos of their day together.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Jackson's trip to Georgia

Jackson started his trip off to a bad start with a little cold. The flight was ok but the first couple of days in Georgia were a little rough on Jackson. He played with his cousins Mandy, Atticus, Finn, Ella, Lexie, Magan, Joselyn, Bryce, Kelsey, Beth and Brent and was feeling better for Wendy's wedding where he had a great time. Jackson thought Wendy made a beautiful bride and Greg was lucky to be her husband. Click to see a few photos of Jackson's first week in Georgia.